Monday, March 31, 2014

Overheard in Pennsylvania:

Tom Corbett

“That Fucking POPE. We go ALL-L-L-L-L-L the way to Rome and all he does is greet us as part of one long line of the unwashed masses waiting to say hello to the guy. Did we get the private audience we promised the state we’d get? NO. Did we get the pope’s commitment to come to Philly next year? NO. Did we get diddlysquat? NO. However, we did get an opportunity for me to use the POPE’s name and identity to raise funds for my campaign. Yep! It's right there on my campaign website! Now that is a righteous act. Can you all say hallelujah & amen?”

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett (R), who traveled with a contingent of state officials to Rome last week to hold what was billed as a private meeting with the pope but turned out to be a nod and a smile as part of a standard “meet and greet” by the pontiff. The trip was financed by public dollars, though photos were later used as part of fundraising efforts on Corbett’s re-election campaign.

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