Friday, March 21, 2014

Overheard Outside the Senate Bath House:

John McCain

“Sen. Graham, it’s go-time again. I’ll be damned if that pig fucker Vladimir Putin will keep me out of Kiev. We’re flying in a secret squad of commandos and mounting a raid on Crimea. I’m going to personally lead this crack squad into battle and take back what belongs to the Ukraine."

Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona)

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Lindsey Graham

"Johnny Cakes, what are you talking about? Please dish! A CRACK SQUAD? OF COMMANDOS! I WANNA BE THERE! Especially if the commandos are GOING COMMANDO! But YOU, my little POW, are on Vladimir Putin’s hit list. This time it’s YOU who isn’t going anywhere near Russian air space. I would hate to think of what my life would be like were I forced to carry on without you."

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)

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John McCain

“I’ve GOT to go, Linds. That Nancy boy Barack Obama isn't doing shit and I can’t have this Russian tyrant doing the things he’s doing. Someone has to bring him down a peg or two and I’m just itching for a fight. I am jacked up on testosterone and raring to go!
Sen. McCain

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Lindsey Graham

"Johnny Cakes, you have to simmer down! Remember your blood pressure! You can’t go off on some half-baked mission designed to show the world you’ve got the bigger schlong, though trust me, yours is MUCH bigger than Vladimir’s. I’ve seen pictures of his—taken by some of his Russian biker buddies. And well, I am rather familiar with your assets…"
Sen. Graham

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John McCain

"I’m not sure what you mean by that. You’ve never seen my financial statements."
Sen. McCain

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Lindsey Graham

"Sure, sure. Go ahead. Play dumb, just like always. But, this is just like the time we were down in Buenos Aires for the Queer Tango Festival … about six Novembers ago, I think. God, I was loving those hunky dancers shaking their asses off, but you had to go and get all riled up because that little skinny waiter said he had the 'biggest cock in all of South America.' ‘Not as long as I’m visiting,’ you screamed and dropped your pants! The little skinny waiter did the same thing and DAMN, I know I'm a size queen, but JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH AND ALL THE SAINTS, on a foggy day, that thing could have been mistaken for a telephone pole! Who would have thought such a skinny little twink could be walking around with timber like that!"

Sen. Graham

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John McCain

“You are just talking nonsense now, Linds, and I don’t know what ‘timber’ means. Are you in the lumber business now?”
Sen. McCain

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Lindsey Graham

"Well, I DO love wood … And the GRAINIER the better! But you know damn well what I’m talking about Mister Smartypants. While the crowd was oohing and aaahing about the waiter’s ‘tip,’ you yelled, 'A hundred bucks says he’s a SHOWER and not a GROWER' and you demanded the contest continue. So he got a fluffer and you got me to be your  fluffer and my little POW once again showed the world he DOES know dick ... about dick. Oh, those were the days!"
Sen. Graham

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John McCain

"I couldn’t have done it without your 'oratorical' skills, Linds. You always have known how to bring out the best in me! It was a two-man effort. We won $500 if I recall correctly …  ER, I MEAN, Uhm ... Sen. Graham, I’ve never been to Argentina and I don’t know how to tango."
Sen. McCain

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Lindsey Graham

“That’s my Johnny Cakes. Such a manly man. And what a grower!”
Sen. Graham

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