Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Overheard in a History Book:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"God gave me polio, Eleanor, World War II, the remnants of the Great Depression, and a 25 percent unemployment rate, but he also gave me more tail than Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy combined. Women are total suckers for men in wheelchairs. All in all, I'd say the universe is a good place."

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D), 32nd president of the United States. FDR led the government through the Great Depression and World War II

Eleanor Roosevelt

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"Sweetie, I got more tail than you, and in more flavors as well, and I didn't need a fucking wheelchair to get it. Put that in your cigarette holder and smoke it, polio boy."

Eleanor Roosevelt, 32nd first lady.

George W. Bush

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"Can you buy one of those wheel-thingies at WalMart?" 

George W. Bush (R), 43rd president of the United States

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