Friday, February 1, 2013

Overheard in Washington, D.C.:

Sen. John McCain

"Were you wrong about the surge? I liked the surge. He liked the surge. She liked the surge. They liked the surge. We all liked the surge—except for you, you Israel-hating miscreant! (Did you notice how I just conjugated that verb?) Let the record show he won't answer about whether or not he liked the surge and whether or not he was wrong about not liking the surge! I'm trying to get him to answer a question and he won't cooperate and that makes me angry, even more angry than I am on a good day! Can't you all see that? I'm pounding my fist and everything!"  
Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) , during Senate confirmation hearings for Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel.

President Barack Obama
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"You're right, Sen. McCain. Why would we want a Secretary of Defense who has served on the front lines, would think twice—and maybe three times—before sending troops into battle, and actually believes in the use of negotiation first over military might. Why, if he's appointed, we just might begin a new era in American foreign policy. Perish the thought. Christ, you're a fucking dolt, even for a Republican."  
President Barack Obama.

Sen., Mark Rubio
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"I don't like him either, Sen. McCain, and I'm Hispanic, dammit." 
Sen. Mark Rubio (R-Florida).

Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel
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"What the fuck does your ethnicity have to do with anything, Rubio? No matter what race you are, you're a pain in the ass." 
Secretary of Defense nominee, decorated Vietnam War veteran, former senator, and GOP member Chuck Hagel.

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