Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Overheard in Congress:

Lois Lerner
"I've done nothing wrong. If we hadn't scrutinized all of those applications, or if we ignored others, you'd be going berserk over that. You are a bunch of assholes and I'm not saying another word. Bastards. Fuck off."

Lois Lerner, IRS district manager, addressing a Congressional committee investigating the IRS for targeting groups seeking non-profit/anonymous donor status that had the words "TEA Party," "Patriot" or "Conservative" in their title, and making said groups work hard to gain the special non-taxpaying status. Republicans in Congress are having a field day with the IRS' own admission and demanding everything from the impeachment of President Obama to the sacrifice of the first born son of every liberal east of the Mississippi in exchange for the IRS' misguided action.

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