Sunday, May 12, 2013

Overheard in Washington, D.C.:

Michele Bachmann

"Benghazi and 9/11 are God's judgment on us. We must pray."

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) who has a net worth estimated at between $1 and $3 million.

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Jesus Christ
"Father had nothing to do with either event, you silly twat. He doesn't do that type of 'holy judgment raining down on your heads' stuff any more. It just got to be too taxing. And who in the fuck do you think you are, Michele? You are not an appointed prophet. When Father wants people to do something, or even if he thinks it would be a good idea for people to do something, he WILL let people know. What the fuck do you think Facebook is for? You are insufferable. I scratch my head every day in wonderment at just why Father created you. Maybe it was because your 'previously gay' husband REALLY needs a beard.
Jesus Christ, son of God

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