Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Overheard in Washington, D.C.:

Harry Reid
"I hope the American people do all realize this IRS and Associated Press stuff is a bunch of shit designed to take attention away from real problems, damage Hillary Clinton as a potential candidate in 2016, and to keep the president from making any progress on his second-term agenda? Hell, I'm one hair away from being a chimpanzee and even I see that."

Harry Reid (D-Nevada), Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate, a man who historically never introduces legislation his favorite lobbyists don't request. His personal worth is estimated at somewhere between $3 and $10 million.

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Mitch McConnell

"Yep, it is all just a bunch of shit. There is not one ounce of real substance to any of it. You caught me, Harry baby! But the American people believe these things are important, and you stupid Democrats fall into this trap every damn time. You are all so fucking stupid."

Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), whose personal fortune is estimated at $50 million.

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Harry Reid

"We didn't hear one goddam word when the IRS inappropriately targeted the NAACP, Green Peace, and
liberal CHURCHES, for God's sake, while George W. Bush
was in office. Where was your righteous indignation
then, McConnell? Shithead!"
Sen. Reid

Mitch McConnell

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"I don't recall any of that. I don't think that happened at all."
Sen. McConnell

Harry Reid
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"God, you suck. It damn well did happen. Shouldn't you be over at your neighbor's house fucking his poodle?"
Sen. Reid

Mitch McConnell
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"I would be, I paid for my time and all, but YOUR WIFE is busy with it right now."
Sen. McConnell

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