Thursday, August 1, 2013

Overheard in Virginia:


“OH FUCK ME! Right now we just do not have the votes to defund Obamacare. All the other Republicans are such a bunch of pussies. But not us!”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), speaking on a partisan panel discussion in Virginia.

Mike Lee
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“But if we did have the votes, you can bet by golly, we would be doing it! We will stop at nothing to defeat Obamacare and the evilness it is.”

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), who vowed to, and then backed off, his plan to shut down the entire federal government as a way to force the defunding of the Affordable Care Act.

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Tom Coburn
“You know, you are both fucking retarded. And I’m not talking about a little retardation, like, ‘Oh you boys say some goofy things.’ I am talking about ‘drooling-fucked-up-can’t-do-anything-except-look-retarded’ retarded. Wait. That was offensive. I apologize to every family in America who has someone in their lives with mental challenges. Even the most unfortunate of them do not deserve to be thrown in the same pile with Cruz and Lee. I was being thoughtless. The very idea of shutting down the government in an attempt to halt a program you don’t like, but is the law of this nation, is so childish, so ridiculous, so outrageous, the two of you should be shot at dawn. You really need to stop making the rest of us look stupid. Keep it up and some of us old hands are going to bury you so far in bullshit you'll never see light again. Seriously. Bullshit. I'm from Oklahoma. We have a lot of it there.”

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma)

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