Thursday, September 12, 2013

Overheard at the Kerry Mansion:

John Kerry

“Well, honey, I am off to Geneva to try and get this whole Syria/chemical weapons/Russia thing all ironed out. America needs me and I must go.”
Secretary of State John Kerry

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“Well, that’s nice dear. Did you pack clean underwear? What about extra ketchup and relish packets? You can hand them out as party favors! Or you might get stranded with nothing else to eat!”
Mrs. Secretary and business tycoon Teresa Heinz Kerry

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John Kerry

“I am not handing out condiment packets at such an important meeting. I did it last time and the Russians were not amused. I’m making history here, Tessie, while you’re worried about selling ketchup in foreign markets.”

Secretary Kerry

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"I always support you in everything you do, Johnny. I was even willing to be your first woman at the house of white. Now you can do this for me."
Mrs. Kerry

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John Kerry

"Oh all right. But I am not handing out samples of Tater
Tots. Those damn things make my hands stink. What the hell are those things made of anyway? I have to keep a little dignity."

Secretary Kerry

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