Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Overheard off Sesame Street:

Kermit the Frog

“You know, every time we have another one of these mass shootings, the gun control debate rises to the surface again.”
Kermit the Frog

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Big Bird

“But nothing ever comes of it. We talk and talk and no one really does anything.”
Big Bird

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Kermit the Frog

“Nope. But I’ll guarantee you, some gun supporter somewhere will start screaming, ‘Guns don’t kill people! People kill people!’”

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Wayne LaPierre

“Guns don’t kill people! People kill people.”
Wayne LaPierre, chief executive officer for the National Rifle Association lobbying group, a post that pays $1 million per year.

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Big Bird

“I see what you mean.”
Big Bird

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Kermit the Frog

“But the strange thing is that when one of these mass killing events happen, the first thing these killers reach for is a gun. You don’t ever hear about someone killing 10 people with a toothbrush. Or a balloon. Or Metamucil.”

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Big Bird

“Well, they might do it with Metamucil. Ever taste that shit?”
Big Bird

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Kermit the Frog

“Shut up, Big Bird. Now the next thing that will happen is some gun supporter will start screaming, ‘SEE! This shooter was MENTALLY ILL and that’s why he shot those people. He needed HELP! We need to do more to stop these WHACK JOBS!’”

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Wayne LaPierre

“See! The shooter was MENTALLY ILL and that’s why he shot those people. He needed HELP! We need to do more to stop these WHACK JOBS!”
Wayne LaPierre

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Big Bird

“Wow, Kermie. You are uncanny with your predictions today.”
Big Bird

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Kermit the Frog

“All of that stuff is true about the need for better mental health services for people, but doggone it, the government has done little or nothing to ensure the poor have access to mental health services that they would need to keep from going on a mass shooting spree. If anything, the government has cut funding from programs such as those so in a lot of cases, there are no services available, so in effect, the government is increasing the likelihood of more attacks in the future.”

Wayne LaPierre

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“It’s all the government’s fault!”
Wayne LaPierre

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Kermit the Frog

“Boy. The shit you see when you don’t have a gun.”

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Big Bird

“HO HO HO, Kermit. You are the funniest frog I know.”
Big Bird

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Kermit the Frog

“Of course I am. Ask Piggy. I can make that woman squeal like a pig!”

Big Bird

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  "HO HO HO HO HO! That's funny but too much information, Kermit. Too much.”
Big Bird

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