Monday, September 16, 2013

Overheard outside John McCain's Office:

John McCain

“Some of our GOP brethren just do not like the president, and therefore oppose anything he proposes, no matter how right, how logical, how correct it is nor how much money it would mean for the defense contractors we represent. I can’t remember quite a thing happening in my 215 years of service in the Senate. It is really keeping this country from turnings itself around. So much hate… how do you combat that? Personally, I want to combat it by kicking the shit out of a few people—maybe blow a few people up in their cars—but you keep telling me I shouldn’t do that. You are taking away my will to live.”
Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona)

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Lindsey Graham

“Johnny, you can’t go around beating people up or blowing them up without having good reason. You are going to get into big trouble, mister, and I don’t believe you could survive prison. Me? I’d LOVE prison—I’d love being someone’s prison bitch! It’s actually one of my fantasies!”
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)

John McCain
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“You always start out so thoughtfully and then you cross that line and I end up with the willies.”
Sen. McCain

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Lindsey Graham

“Oh, please, BABY JESUS! Don't give the willies to my friend John! Let ME end up with ALL of the willies! I LOVE the willies. ALL of them. All shapes, all sizes, all everything!”

Sen. Graham

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