Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Overheard Outside the White House:

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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

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Barack Obama

“That is a pretty simplistic view of a complex problem, don’t you think? You have a first rate imagination and a fourth-rate brain, chump face.”
President Barack Obama

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Ted Cruz

“Why’s that, Mr. President?”
Sen. Cruz

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Barack Obama

“Well, too many people in this country don’t have access to health care, dip shit. And since the GOP has NEVER offered a counter proposal to the Affordable Care Act that actually would work, why don’t you get off the dead horse? Nearly 70 percent of Americans are telling you TEA Partiers to stop fighting it. Why don’t you listen?”

President Obama

Ted Cruz
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“None of those yay-sayers live in Texas!”
Sen. Cruz

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Barack Obama

“Look: You are talking about stalling a program that will benefit millions of low-income people, ensuring that for many, for the first time in their lives, they will have access to quality health care. Why on earth would you want to stall that? What is really funny is most of the people who support you will benefit from AND take advantage of this program. I don’t understand that dichotomy.”
President Obama

Ted Cruz

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“What’s to understand, Mr. President? We throw in the right buzzwords and it riles them up. All we have to say is ‘socialized medicine’ and people go all Neanderthal on you."
Sen. Cruz

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Angry Mob #37


Typical Angry Conservative Mob

Ted Cruz

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“American Values! Founding Fathers! Liberal Media! Second Amendment Rights!”
Sen. Cruz

Angry Mob #37
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Typical Angry Conservative Mob

Ted Cruz

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“See, Mr. President? We TEA Party members can do that any time we choose to. It is an at-will thing.”
Sen. Cruz

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Barack Obama


“Wow. Your own army of sycophants! That's actually pretty cool. Where did you breed them?”
President Obama

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Ted Cruz

“We didn’t. Crowds of American sycophants cost too much. These are actually illegal aliens. They are cheaper than a domestic crowd would be. We are the TEA Party. We have to be frugal.”
Sen. Cruz

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