Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Overheard in Utah (Part 1 of 2):

Mister Ed

“Sen. Lee! Sen. Lee! Your approval rates are tanking and your disproval rates are just going sky high following your work in engineering the 16-day federal government shutdown!”

Mister Ed, famous talking horse and Fox News commentator

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Mike Lee

 “Like my fellow patriot Sen. Ted Cruz, I would rather be loved in my home state and hated in Washington than loved in Washington and hated in my home state. The people of Utah—that’s who I serve!”

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)

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Mister Ed

“Uhm… bad news, Sen. Lee. The people of Utah are the ones who now disprove of your actions. Your constituents are speaking openly of a primary challenge! It appears you are in some pretty deep shit.”
Mister Ed

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Mike Lee

 “Well, uhm… ah… the only numbers I really care about are those showing how much Obamacare will cost America, and I will be continuing to fight against it, no matter what the folks back home say. They don’t know what’s good for them; only yours truly knows that. …”

Sen. Lee.

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