Sunday, October 13, 2013

Overheard in Washington, D.C.

Sarah Palin

"OK, Ted, here we are at the World War II Memorial on the National Mall. We have thousands of people from the Tea Party's 'Values Summit' with us. This was you're bright idea. What do we do now that we're here?"

Sarah Palin,former small town mayor, former half-term governor of Alaska, former vice presidential candidate, former reality show star, and Fox News commentator.

Mike Lee

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"Well, we can't get in, so I guess we could play some board games."
Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)

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Ted Cruz

"I don't have a really good idea, Sarah. It hought you'd have one."
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

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Sarah Palin

"You two are more worthless than my Todd. OK. I'll take it from here. Just follow my lead. (Addressing crowd:) While we're standing here looking at these barricades—placed by President Barack Obama himself—to getting into this important memorial to our greatest war, I feel the presence of President Ronald Reagan. 'Mr. Gorbachev: Tear down this wall'."
Sarah Palin

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Ted Cruz

"Sarah, what are you telling them to do? Tear down the Vietnam Wall? That's the only wall I know of around here."
Sen. Cruz

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Sarah Palin

"It's cymbalism, Ted. It means I want the marchers to move the barricades so we can get in and bang them together while they move them."
Sarah Palin

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Mike Lee

"Wow. You are so good at this!"
Sen. Lee

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Ted Cruz

"Do you think it matters that there really isn't a wall here? Just a few orange cones, some striped saw horses and some baby gates?"
Sen. Cruz

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Sarah Palin

"I think my son the retard is smarter than you are, Ted. You too, Mike. And he can't even wipe himself."
Sarah Palin

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Ted Cruz

"Sarah, do you think that anyone is going to point out that BOTH YOU and I spoke in support of the very government shutdown that has resulted in these memorials being shut down? And yet here we are badmouthing the results of the shutdown."
Sen. Cruz

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Sarah Palin

"If they do, just blame it on Sen. Lee."
Sarah Palin

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Mike Lee

"OH SHIT, Sarah! Those guys just threw the barricade gates at the White House! God, I hope someone got that on film!"
Sen. Lee

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"Do you think anyone will notice that there are TEA Party members carrying confederate flags while screaming, 'Obama is a Muslim' and 'Respect our Veterans'? Or that the signs clearly had misspellings on them and were corrected?"

Sen. Cruz

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Sarah Palin

"If they notice, again, just blame it on Sen. Lee. It will be fine!"
Sarah Palin

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