Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Overheard on Paul Ryan's Cellphone:

Paul Ryan

“There will be no new revenues via this budget conference committee, so you Democrats can just go hump a giraffe. Or each other.”

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Minnesota), addressing the opening session of the 29-member bi-cameral Finance Committee designed to work out a budget compromise as ordered under the legislation that reopened the federal government earlier this month. The committee has until Dec. 13 to reach agreement

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Patty Murray

“We are more than willing to find program cuts that can be made, but the Republicans have to work with us and in turn scour our bloated tax code and work to find places where loopholes can be closed. Compromise is a two-way street. You give a little; we give a little. That’s how it works.”

Sen. Patty Murray (D-Washington), chair of the Senate Finance Committee

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Paul Ryan

“Oh, no. No new revenue. Just cuts. We only do cuts at this hair salon, bitch.”
Rep. Ryan

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Patty Murray

“It is not fair to ask seniors, the middle class, and our most vulnerable populations to keep making cuts to satisfy the GOP vendetta against anyone who needs help, outside of their own corporate, wealthy donors. C’mon guys. This is the kind of bullshit that led to the shutdown.”

Sen. Murray

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Paul Ryan

“Our way or the highway, Patty-cakes. Too bad, so sad, sucks to be you.”
Rep. Ryan

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Patty Murray

“Wow. That was very professional. Do you need to be burped? So much unpleasantness in such a short, short man.”

Sen. Murray

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Paul Ryan

Rep. Ryan

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