Friday, February 7, 2014

Overheard on MSNBC:

Rachel Maddow

“Gov. Christie, care to address the fact that your story about your involvement and response to the George Washington Bridge lane closures is being rewritten almost daily?”

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC host

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Chris Christie

“Yeah, I’ll address it. Fuck you, dyke face.”

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R)

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Rachel Maddow

“Thank you for that insightful comment. Tell me, is it true that your ass is actually bigger than the bridge or is that just a matter of camera angles?”

Rachel Maddow

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Chris Christie

“I’m done talking to you. Don’t you have a Girl Scout to molest somewhere?”
Gov. Christie

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Rachel Maddow

“My, my, my. You just can’t keep your mind off cookies, can you?”
Rachel Maddow

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