Friday, May 31, 2013

Overheard at the White House:

Mitch McConnell
"Mr. President! Mr. President! I just need to ask you one question."
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)

Barack Obama
- - -

"Jesus Christ, McConnell. don't you have any work you should be avoiding? We need better exterminators here in the White House. That's for sure"
President Barack Obama
Mitch McConnell

- - -
"No, no. Good one, though. Hardy-har-har."
Sen. McConnell

Barack Obama
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"What is your one question—and that is all you are getting this time, motherfucker. I don't have time for your bullshit today."
Mitch McConnell
President Barack Obama

- - -
"I want to know if the rumor is true."
Sen. McConnell

Barack Obama
- - -
"What rumor is that?"
President Barack Obama

- - -
Mitch McConnell
"The rumor that you are leaving Michelle…"
Sen. McConnell

Barack Obama
- - -

"What? Where did you hear that?"
President Barack Obama

 - - -

Mitch McConnell

"…if you will let me finish. God. It's true. You ARE a premature exclamator. Boehner told me that, but I said he was full a shit. The rumor is that you are leaving Michelle --- for Gov. Chris Christie. I see now and understand your evolution on the subject of gay marriage: of course you support it now—you have your own nuptials coming up. I didn't peg you for a chubby chaser, though. That did take me by surprise."
Barack Obama
Sen. McConnell

- - -
"No, there is no truth to that rumor."
 President Barack Obama

- - -

Mitch McConnell

"It's OK, Mr. President. No need to be ashamed of who and what you are. Why, some of my favorite liberals are fudge packers. I support diversity in America!  I say put on your rainbow T-shirt and wear it proudly!"
Sen. McConnell

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Barack Obama

"Listen, if I was a homosexual, if I was in love with another man, I'd tell everyone right up front…"
President Barack Obama

- - -

Mitch McConnell

"..So it's not love? It's just pure unbridled two-manly-animals-engaging-in-fuck-me-like-you-mean-it sex?  Well, good for you sir! Do you use protection? You never know where that bastard Christie has been. He is from Jersey after all. They have different standards there, you know. We wouldn't want you to get some sort of African Jungle Rot and have your dick fall off or anything. What would you two boys do for fun then?"
Sen. McConnell

Barack Obama
 - - -

"Shut the fuck up, McConnell and just get out of my sight
before I bend you over that chair and show you some
fuck-me-like-you-mean-it sex…"
President Barack Obama
- - -
Mitch McConnell

"Oh, so you're the top. That's funny. I definitely had you pegged for a bottom. Being around you, nothing should surprise me, but yet it does. Does Michelle know? I don't want to be the one to let the Brokeback White House out of the bag if she doesn't. Your secret is safe with me. Until you wanna come out, you just stay in that closet of yours. You devil you."
Sen. McConnell
Barack Obama

- - -
"God, I hate you."
President Barack Obama

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