Thursday, May 23, 2013

Overheard in Washington, D.C.:

Stephen Fincher

"I just don't like these damn food stamp—or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, to be politically correct—people. That's why I want to cut the program. Let the individual people out there who want to help the poor each pick out one they can feed. That's what God wants us to do—help one another. It's in the Bible: the Book of Noah, Chapter 6. can't be spending people's money on this shit!"

Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tennessee) who voted to cut the SNAP program and leave millions people without enough food to eat while the farm HE OWNS has received $3 million in farm subsidies since 1995. Reauthorization of those farm subsidies is part of the same bill that will cut SNAP benefits.

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Doug La Malfa

 "The Bible doesn't say, 'the federal government shall feed the poor and hungry.' The Bible tells the hungry to go to their local food shelters, or go find Jesus and ask him to change a goldfish into a giant trout. Or something like that."

 Rep. Doug La Malfa (R-California, who ALSO owns a farm, though HIS has received $5 million in subsidies during the same period. Both Fincher and la Malfa voted to cut SNAP by $20 billion but expand crop insurance subsidies by $9 billion.

Jesus Christ
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"Wow. And I thought Father put a brain into every human he made. I guess not. Huh. I guess the old bastard isn't perfect after all. Shit. I hope he didn't hear that. He'll have me out mowing entire continents again."

Jesus Christ, son of God

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