Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Overheard on MSNBC:

Rachel Maddow

“Mayor Filner, what do you say to the ever growing number of women coming forth to say that you sexually harassed them? People who worked for you, under you, beside you… what is the truth here, sir?”

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC host, interviewing San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, a former 10-term congressman. Filner is being accused of sexually harassing a large number of city employees and other females.
Bob Filner

- - -

“My response? Well it’s all bullshit. I’ve never harassed anyone. Are you wearing panties, Rachel? If you are, why not just take them off. You will feel like a very naughty girl…”
Mayor Filner
Rachel Maddow

- - -

“So you say you never sexually harassed any woman anywhere, as in you just didn't cross the line with me just now.”
Rachel Maddow

Bob Filner

- - -

“Never in my life have I ever sexually harassed a woman—not even the ones with big tits. I know you like the ladies, Rachel. Do you ever let people watch you and your partner? If not, could I be the first?”

Rachel Maddow

Mayor Filner

- - -

“All righty then. We’ll be back in just a minute... Mayor, you are coming off as a really creepy man. No shit. Stop it. You signed on for a serious discussion, not to proposition me… And we’re back. We’re speaking with San Diego mayor Bob Fillner…”
Rachel Maddow
Bob Filner

- - -

“So are you a breast man or a leg man, Rachel? Or are asses your thing? Oh wait. Gays are the ones who are crazy about asses, right?”
Mayor Filner

- - -
Rachel Maddow

“That’s it. Get off my set. Go. GO! You are some kind of a freak! I don’t even want your essence in this building. Get your ignorant ass back to San Diego. You are a horrible person and I hope every woman you have ever had contact with sues you.”
Rachel Maddow
Bob Filner

- - -

“So I guess this is a no to me watching? Before I go, can I maybe rub up against you for a few minutes?”

Rachel Maddow
Mayor Filner

- - -

"EEEWWWWwwww. Wow. What a fucktard."
Rachel Maddow

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