Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Overheard on MSNBC:

Anthony Weiner

“I told you before: I’ve got nothing to hide. And now I sent out MORE photos of my erection to prove it. And admit it, guys: if more of you had wieners like me, you’d be sending photos of it out to women as well.”
Anthony Weiner

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Rachel Maddow
“You, sir, are not to be trusted. You are a liar, a cheat, a pervert, a miscreant, a sociopath, a reprobate, a sex addict, a wretch, a scoundrel, an exhibitionist, a fiend, and a caitiff. You need to leave public life and begin working on the issues you have in your personality that make you do shit such as this.  I feel so sorry for your wife, who seems to have made one very giant mistake in her life: getting involved with you. You are a disgrace to every political figure who ever kept his penis in his pants, something you don’t seem to be able to do. Oh, and by the way--mine’s bigger.”
Rachel Maddow, MSNBC host

Chris Matthews
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“And for you to drag your innocent wife out into this mess, all because you are attempting to run for office, shows that you clearly hold her in contempt. And Mr. Weiner? I’ve seen them both. I will GUARANTEE you Rachel’s is bigger.”
Chris Matthews, also an MSNBC host

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“Thank you, Chris.”
Rachel Maddow

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