Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Overheard at Rick's House:

Rick Santorum

Things ALL Conservative
Christians believe:
 By Rick Santorum

  • ·  Sarah Palin was a virgin on her wedding night
  • · Sarah Palin is still a virgin. All five children were virgin births
  • · Well, four anyway. That retarded boy, Trig, wasn’t a virgin birth. God wouldn’t make a ‘tard, so it had to be Todd
  • · Gay conversion therapy works 
  •   ‘Religious freedom’ trumps the right to birth control
  • · ‘Religious freedom’ trumps anything the Supreme Court has to say 
  • · Gay marriage will make straight people gay, even if they only just visit the home of a gay person
  • · Gay people don’t love one another. They can’t. Neither one of them has a vagina.
  • · ‘S-A-N-T-A’ is just a misspelling of ‘S-A-T-A-N’
  • · Noah’s Ark is real
  • · If a girl gets raped, it’s because she dressed like a slut
  • · If a boy gets raped, he shouldn’t have been Catholic
  • · Democrats have horns
  • · Welfare checks are signed by The Antichrist
  • · President Obama is the Antichrist as well, just like the guy who signs welfare checks
  • · Heaven is located near Jupiter
  • · It isn’t 72 “virgins” the Muslims will receive when they arrive in heaven—it’s 72 “Virgils,” because all Muslims are gay rednecks and God hates them
  • · No Muslims are really going to heaven; it’s all a ruse
  • · The same is true for Hindus and Buddhists, because God hates them too
  • · Some blacks may be in heaven, but only if they have a waiver signed by Charlton Heston or Sarah Palin
  • · Priests don’t really rape children; they just like them a lot
  • · God hates condoms because they just don’t feel right
  • · Women should be seen and not heard, particularly when they find out they are pregnant with their tenth child because their spouse won’t allow birth control or use condoms
  • · Children should be seen and not heard as well
  • · Ditto for barnyard animals that have been anally raped, usually by a Conservative Christians
  • · Masturbation is a vile sin perpetrated by Democrats
  • · God allows Republicans to be Democrats for up to 20 minutes a day, but they have to be in the bathroom when they do it and then they change back
  • · The need to help your fellow man is a myth
  • · The parables of Jesus were more like guidelines, and not really rules for living
  • · Ann Coulter is brilliant
  • · So is Sarah Palin
  • · Scratch the latter. She’s just good people.

(To be continued.)

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