Thursday, October 24, 2013


Dick Durbin

“It is hard to believe that a member of Congress looked at our president during the budget negotiations and said, ‘I can’t even stand to look at you.’ What a total disgrace.”
Majority Whip Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois)

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Jay Carney

“We regret Sen. Durbin’s description of that meeting, largely because it didn’t happen. And we know it didn’t happen because we were there, at the meeting, that didn’t happen. FUCK! Let me start again.”

Jay Carney, White House spokesperson

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Harry Reid

 “It was Rep. Pete Sessions (R-New York). God I hate that insufferable prick. Another shithead from Texas.”

Sen. Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid, speaking last week at a private meeting of the Democratic Caucus.

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Pete Sessions

“I can NEVER stand to look at the president. Everybody in Texas hates him. For me, that day was NO DIFFERENT from any other.”

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), chair of the House Rules Committee

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Jay Carney

 “(Affixing a steely gaze at the room full of reporters) That statement that was directed at the president was never made in any meeting. And we know the statement wasn’t made because we were right there. But wait… the meeting never happened in the first place, so how could such a statement have ever been uttered? FUCK, I screwed it up again.”
Jay Carney

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Dick Durbin

“I stand behind my comment.”
Sen. Durbin

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Harry Reid

 “- - -“
Sen. Reid

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