Thursday, October 24, 2013

Overheard in the Senate:

Rafael 'Ted' Cruz

Ran-DULL! Ran-DULL!”

Sen. Rafael “Ted” Cruz (R-Texas)

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Randall Paul

“What is all this commotion about, Raphael?”

Sen. Randall Paul (R-Kentucky)

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Rafael 'Ted' Cruz

“What the fuck is this business about you ‘not really’ supporting my contention that if another government shutdown is necessary to stop Obamacare, so be it? What the fuck, my friend? What happened to ‘One for All and All for One!”

Sen. Cruz

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Randall Paul

“I never said that bullshit. You said it and everyone else in the room just sort of mumbled. This is the Senate; it’s full contact. Sometimes I can stand with you, and sometimes I gotta run away. And when it comes to the presidential contest, my friend, there are no teams.”
Sen. Paul

Rafael 'Ted' Cruz

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 “Well, aren’t you just the nicest guy! No wonder your son drinks heavily.”
Sen. Cruz

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Randall Paul

“Now that bullshit is uncalled for, Raphael, you fucking Canadian wetback. Or is it called a 'wetfront' when you come in from the North?”
Sen. Paul

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Rafael 'Ted' Cruz

 “Hey, hey, hey. I am a U.S. citizen. My parents met while working for an OIL COMPANY in Texas.”

Sen. Cruz

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Randall Paul

“No… REALLY? Does explain your endless, undying, unwavering pandering for the oil and gas industries? Just think… were it not for the oil industry, you might not exist now. You owe them big.”
Sen. Paul

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Rafael 'Ted' Cruz

“Yes, I do. Wow. That’s pretty humbling. I never thought of it that way before.”
Sen. Cruz

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Randall Paul

“Ha ha ha.”
Sen. Paul

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Rafael 'Ted' Cruz

 “Ho ho ho.”
Sen. Cruz

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