Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Overheard on The Today Show:

Dick Cheney

 “Say… did you know my young, energetic, thoughtful, bat shit fuck crazy daughter is running for Senate out in Wyoming? Yeah… I don’t want to take sides in the race, though. But you remember, she moved out there last year after targeting a 67-year-old incumbent GOP member she believes she can defeat in next year’s primary, despite the fact that everyone knows she’s nuts and everyone loves him? Me? No. I’m staying out of it. I’m OLD. My time is past. Just like my daughter’s opponent. He’s OLD. His time is PAST. Liz? Oh, she’s a GOP gunslinger young hero like that stud-ly Ted Cruz down in Texas. What a dynamic leader he is!”

Loving father and former Vice President Dick Cheney (R)

Ted Cruz
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“I am a TEXAS gunslinger, oh YES I AM! BANG! BANG!”

Sen. Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz (R-Texas), who worked as a domestic policy advisor on the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign.

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Liz Cheney

"I want a gun that goes bang! bang! too, Daddy!"

Liz Cheney, smug and abrasive far right wing conservative pundit steeped heavily in the politics of fear and maintaining a distance from reality. Cheney has announced she is seeking the GOP nomination for the senate position held by Mike Enzi, who has no plans to retire.

Dick Cheney
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"I'll get right the fuck on that one, Lizzie."
Dick Cheney 


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