Monday, March 24, 2014

Overheard Outside Rep. John Boehner's Private Echo Chamber:

John Boehner

“The House of Representatives has not voted 54 times to repeal Obamacare in the past four years. That is a lie and a distortion.”

Speaker of the House Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio)

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Walter Cronkite
“No sir, it is neither a lie nor a distortion. It is a documented fact, you dickhead. Might I say that as Speaker of the House, and third in line to the presidency, you are expected to be working on behalf of all citizens of these United States, not just those members of your party with special interests or axes to grind. As a leader, you are deficient and dishonest. As a deficient and dishonest man, you are a great success. However, you apparently are lacking in even the most basic of mathematic skills, thus being unable to count to 54.”

Walter Cronkite, broadcast journalism legend

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John Boehner

“We did not vote 54 times to repeal Obamacare. You are mistaken, Mr. Cronkite and I’d like you to take that back.”
Rep. Boehner

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Walter Cronkite

“No sir. You did vote 54 times to repeal Obamacare. Here is the list at the Washington Post. Go see for your self. I’ll wait.”
Walter Cronkite

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John Boehner

“I’ll be back as soon as I check this out …”
Rep. Boehner

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Walter Cronkite

“I don’t believe he will be coming back but shall remain on the scene and  bring you the latest developments when they happen.”
Walter Cronkite

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