Friday, October 18, 2013

Overheard Outside Harry Reid's Private Restroom (which must be VERY large):

Harry Reid

“You, sir, are a goddam laughing stock. What do you think the House vote on Monday night was? A love note to you? No. It was a'fuck you very much' note, Sen. Cruz.”

Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (R-Nevada)

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Tom Delay


“You are old and wrinkled. I am an American hero, just ask Tom DeLay.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) 

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Tom DeLay

“Sen. Cruz is an American hero. He is a leader.”

Former House Majority Leader Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas)  who was found guilty of money laundering and campaign finance law violations, a conviction that earned him a prison sentence and probation. DeLay resigned as House speaker after his arrest, serving two years in the post. The guilty verdict and sentence were overturned by a state court, and are now on appeal to the Texas Supreme Court.

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Harry Reid

“No, he is not. Sen. Cruz is a giant dick face who enjoys meddling in the affairs of the House of Representatives. He is someone who can't keep his personal finances straight on his FEC filings. He is a bully who needs to have minions around himself in order to feel strong, but when it came right down to it, and the going got tough, Cruz walked away from the fight. Next time, go to the mat, Teddy. Don’t stop fighting. Show America what you are really made of: bullshit.”
Sen. Reid

Tom Delay
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“To-o-o-o-o-o-m, tell him to stop saying bad things about me.”

Sen. Cruz

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Harry Reid

“Tom DeLay is a convicted criminal who left office in disgrace. What in the name of Jesus Fucking Christ do I care what he thinks? Oh wait. I forgot. When America goes looking for heroes, we ALWAYS consult the criminal element in American Politics. Both of you get the hell out of here. I’m sick to death of your bullshit, Cruz.”
Sen. Reid

Tom Delay
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"Boy you are a whining old man, aren't you?"

Sen. Cruz

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Harry Reid

"I’m not done with you yet, Cruz. You may be smart and you have spent your life being able to talk down to people, usually members of the Bush family, but you are in the Senate buddy boy and everyone here is as smart as you are, but you somehow aren’t smart enough to have realized that yet. The only damn thing you’ve accomplished in this shutdown bullshit is to raise money for your presidential campaign in 2016, and may God help the Republican Party if you turn out to be the nominee. On second thought, I really hope you ARE the nominee. You would melt in the spotlight, shithead, and that is a fact.”
Sen. Reid

Tom Delay
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“Waffles! Second Amendment Rights! Socialized Medicine! Apple Pie! Hot Dogs! Giant TVs! Band-Aids! Bruce Springsteen! ...”

Sen. Cruz

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Bruce Springsteen

“Stop right there, fuckface. The last politician who took my name in vain was that stupid cocksucker Ronald Reagan, who used my music without having my permission. You know where he is now, right? HE IS DEAD. See the connection? Don’t ever let me hear you even thinking my name, asswipe, or you will be missing permanently somewhere in the swamps of Jersey.”

Bruce Springsteen

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Sen. Cruz

‘OH SHIT. Now THE BOSS is mad at me. Goddammit!
Sen. Cruz

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John McCain

“I'll keep my eye on him, Bruce my friend, and Harry, just say the word. Using just a bottle brush, 3 inches of thread, and a Mexican waiter, I can hand you his testicles, in under five minutes, and you can use them as door knockers on your office. Just say the word.”

Sen. John 'Blood and Guts' McCain (R-Arizona)

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